Welcome to the "Back To School"
Blog Hop. This blog hop is a one day blog hop that is jammed pack full of some
amazing projects. We have had so much fun creating this hop and we have a
wonderful line up with some oh-so-talented creators. You will see some amazing
projects having to do with a school related theme and have a chance to
win some blog candy along the way. I want to take a moment and thank our amazing Host and Sponsor for the Hop, Lisa over at Honeybearz Designs!!!
In order to be eligible for the blog candy from our amazing sponsor you must
leave a comment on every blog in the hop and become followers to all the ladies
in the hop.
If you are just starting the Hop please go back and start at Lisa's Blog!
If you just came from Carolyn's Blog then you are in the right direction!!!
On to my project for the Blog Hop!!!
I created a bookmark using a design from Little Scraps of Heaven Designs called "Hit the Books -Girl"
I hope you enjoyed our Back to School Blog Hop!!
Now on to Shawnee's Blog!
1. Lisa ~ http://honeybearzdesigns2011.blogspot.com/
2. Haidee- http://created2bunique.blogspot.com/
3. Deb-http://debspaperpalooza.blogspot.com/ ...
4. Carolyn-http://www.grandmacarol46580.blogspot.com/
5. Tabetha ~ http://tabethascreations.blogspot.com/
6. Shawnee ~ http://quiverofangels.blogspot.com/
7. Beth ~ http://thecraftyscrapyard.blogspot.com/
8. Kathy ~ http://kathyand3kids.blogspot.com/
9. An'Jenic- http://anjenicgibson.blogspot.com/
10. Melisa - http://melisascraftycreations.blogspot.com/
11. Alicia - http://goldengoddessdesigns.blogspot.com/
12. Lucy ~ http://love2createitall.com/
13. Lori - http://scrappinmystressaway.blogspot.com/
14. Jessica- http://craftinandstampin.blogspot.com/
15. Jenny - http://crazyaboutcricut.blogspot.com/
13. Theresa - http://scrappinginheels.blogspot.com/
2. Haidee- http://
3. Deb-http://
4. Carolyn-http://
5. Tabetha ~ http://
6. Shawnee ~ http://
7. Beth ~ http://
8. Kathy ~ http://
9. An'Jenic- http://
10. Melisa - http://
11. Alicia - http://
12. Lucy ~ http://love2createitall.com/
13. Lori - http://
14. Jessica- http://
15. Jenny - http://
13. Theresa - http://